For many years, companies have offered a discount when you place both your auto and home insurance with the same company. The discount was typically 5%, though a few companies offered 10% on the home policy.
I was looking through one of our company manuals, and was surprised to find that these discounts with that company have increased dramatically: now 20% on the homeowners and 10% on the auto! Of course, the discounts vary from company to company.
If you rent, most companies will give you the discounts on your renters and auto policies. The savings on the auto insurance is often enough to cover most or all of the renters insurance cost. Some companies offer the discounts for mobile home owners too.
Next steps:
- If you live in our area, visit our website for more information
- If not, call your agent to see what multi-policy discounts are available for you
- Contact us for help reviewing your insurance coverages
The information in this post is general in nature, and geared toward insurance conditions in Western New York. As always, you should speak with an insurance adviser to determine your specific insurance needs.